Lesson 2- Remembering Home
Today's lesson is a short and easy one, but very important nonetheless.
But first, I want to give you time to get a bag. Now, you should've done this already, but since we're just getting started, I wanted to give you another chance to do that or even go buy one if that's what you want to do.
So, stop right now and go get the bag you found yesterday, drop everything and go to the store, order this one on Amazon, or grab one immediately from the house, even if it's just a plastic grocery bag.
Then I want you to add your first item to the bag. Now, a lot of the stuff we're going to stock in your bag are really cut and dry, items like first aid gear and snacks. This one, however is very personal and totally up to you.
I want you to add a token from home.
Your token can take many forms, but it needs to be something that reminds you of home and your reason to make it back.
If something bad happens and you need to use your Get Home Bag, it's probably not going to be easy. It's going to be stressful. It may push you past your limits.
Your token from home isn't magic, but it will give you energy and strength when you need it most.
Read on, and I'll tell you about a recent time I had to use my bag. Then I'll give you some ideas for your token.
Stranded on the Interstate!
Coming back from a recent family vacation, we had a blow out in the minivan that left us in a bind. You see, when the tire blew, it really blew! It ripped the gas tank away from the vehicle and left a mess of debris and flammable gas all over the Interstate.
Then to make matters worse, the Macon-Bibb Fire Department (Macon GA) showed up, said they couldn't help us, and drove off.
I had to hike up the Interstate to the next exit with five kids, ages 4-16.
Thankfully, we had our Get Home Bags with us, and they came in handy. Water, first aid kit, hat for sun, etc.
I mean, it's not a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion that I needed the bag for, but...
This is exactly the kind of situation it's made for.
If you would like to listen to the 911 tapes about this incident, I put them on Youtube.
Ideas for Tokens
Your token can be anything you want, as long as it works for you. And it can change based on the trip or your place in life in that moment.
These days I carry drawings my kids made with me everywhere. All my kids, at one point or another would make little drawings of me and them, of us fighting zombies, or even one of me on a flaming toilet, and they would hide them in my drawers, luggage, pockets, etc. I love finding those. So that's what I carry with me.
Jamling Norgay, son of Tenzing Norgay (one of the first to summit Mt. Everest), told me he carried an elephant toy from one of his kids to the top of Everest.
I've known people to carry a lock of hair, a piece of jewelry, a pebble, a letter, a cross, or any number of things. Kid toys are common though.
You decide for yourself what would inspire you through the darkest times.
While you think about it, enjoy this drawing of me on the toilet that my son made for me. I don't know why there are flames.

Token from Home
If you can't think of a token yet but know you want one, I custom make these stamped word tokens with a hammer and anvil.
These are great for showing a favorite word or the names of your spouse and kids.
You can click HERE or on the pic to order one now, but there's a way to get one free.
If you want a free token, continue on to the end of the course. There'll be further instructions at the end for how to get your free one.
Additional Resource
If you enjoy reading prepper fiction, an amazing series that focuses on home, family, and preserving both is The Survivalist series by A. American.
The books are an easy read, present an amazing amount of actual prepper information within a fictional format, and the author is a pretty cool guy as well.
Just know that I'll never include a full-size grill in part of my Get Home or Bug Out Bag kits. You'll get the joke in the first book.
Here's a link the first book Going Home on Amazon.
What to expect for tomorrow...
Tomorrow we kick off the work in earnest with
8 Things You Can Grab Right Now to Get Started
Copyright © 2022 Dr. David Powers- Rugged Dad, All rights reserved.
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